Your Sacred Birth NFP

We provide individualized support to expecting & postpartum families of color within vulnerable and underserved communities.

Support Our Nonprofit

Your Sacred Birth NFP is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization.

All contributions are tax deductible.

Community Care, Support & Education

  • o We provide prenatal, birth and postpartum care for families seeking a traditional or community - centered birth at home.

    o Care is provided by a skilled and trained Community Midwife (Traditional, Certified or Nurse Midwife).

    o Care will be provided in our office and/ or within our clients homes

    o Care is funded through donations, grants and fees and 20% of our overall expenses are allocated to providing Home Midwifery Care

  • o We provide prenatal, birth and postpartum support for families seeking a traditional or community - centered home birth.

    o Support is provided by trained and experienced Home Birth Doulas and Postpartum Doulas.

    o Support is provided in our office and / or within our clients homes.

    o Support is funded through donations, grants and fees and 10% of our overall expenses are allocated to providing Doula Support.

  • o We provide perinatal nutrition education and in home meal preparation services for expecting and postpartum families.

    o Education and Services are provided by trained Perinatal Nutrition Educators.

    o Education and Services are provided in our office and / or within our clients homes.

    o Education and Services are funded through donations, grants and fees and 20% of our overall expenses are allocated to providing Education and Services.

  • o We provide breastfeeding and lactation Education and Support for expecting and postpartum families.

    o Education and Support is provided by Certified Lactation Counselors and International Board Certified Lactation Consultants

    o Education and Support is provided in our office and/ or within our clients homes.

    o Education and Support are funded through donations, grants and fees and 20% of our overall expenses are allocated to providing Education and Support.

  • o We provide education and training to families and birth support professionals with information on supporting birthing families throughout the prenatal, birth and postpartum period.

    o Education and Training is provided by skilled and trained Community Midwives and other skilled and advanced Birth Professionals.

    o Education and Training is provided in our office and / or within our students homes.

    o Education and Training is funded through donations, grants and fees and 20% of our overall expenses are allocated to providing Education and Training.

By providing culturally competent, accessible options for families seeking community - centered home birth experiences we are fulfilling our purpose to make care, support and education available to expecting and postpartum families within vulnerable and underserved communities.